
How Worldcoin is undermining crypto’s original ethos

The new crypto from OpenAI’s founder requires users to supply biometric data. What if those in control can identify you — and follow your every financial move?

How dynamic NFTs can bring brand engagement to a new level

NFTs are now capable of being interactive and changing with the weather, user location and time of day. What are the downsides and challenges ahead?

It’s time for Web3 gaming to up its own game

Blockchain games are often touted as the next big thing. Joseph Cooper, CEO of Earn Alliance, takes a hard look at the industry’s challenges and how to overcome them.

How DAOs can avoid voter apathy — and power struggles

Good governance of a DAO can be hampered by a disengaged community and whale dominance. What can be done when 1% of stakeholders holds 90% of voting power?


Why FTX deserves a second chance

Despite the outrage against Sam Bankman-Fried and the now-bankrupt exchange, everyone would be better off with a relaunched FTX 2.0, writes Rachel Lin, CEO of SynFutures.

How the rise of asset tokenization could redraw global financial power maps: Opinion

Fractionalizing assets on-chain can greatly increase liquidity, security and market efficiency, writes Hamilton Keats. Here are the key trends and challenges.

How blockchain-backed ID can lift up the lives of the unbanked masses: Opinion

Digital ID verified via blockchain can greatly expand economic opportunities for the world’s poor. But the market is fragmented and faces a rocky road of regulations, writes Tamas Kadar, CEO of SEON.

TradFi has its eyes on crypto, and here’s the real reason why: Opinion

Wall Street thought crypto would be a passing fad. But more big institutions are having a change of heart, in spite of crypto’s protracted market woes.

To read Hong Kong’s future as a crypto hub, look closely at its colorful paper money: Opinion

Most countries allow only government to mint currency, but in the land of public-private partnerships, legal tender HKD notes are issued by private banks.

Who do you trust the most to keep your Bitcoin safe?

Storing crypto on an exchange risks theft and hacks. But DIY can also be perilous — just ask the guy who accidentally trashed a hard drive and his Bitcoin fortune.

Why smart money is pushing the big idea of ‘purpose-bound money’: Opinion

Recently proposed by Singapore in collaboration with fintech heavy hitters, PBM can be a powerful tool for promoting accountability and efficiency, writes Anndy Lian. But it’s not without risks.

Back to the future? Why a new wave of blockchain games is a blast from the past: Opinion

The latest in blockchain gaming has shades of game tech and development from the Web2 era. Is this a regression — or sign of a maturing industry?

How AI, with blockchain, can transform everyday life: Opinion

Combining blockchain with AI, two of the greatest innovations of this era, will unlock myriad benefits for consumers and businesses alike, writes Eugen Kuzin.

Crypto’s fear and loathing: Will TradFi take over?

Moves by big financial institutions into digital assets are worrisome to crypto purists, but it could be just what crypto needs to shake off its doldrums, writes Konstantin Horejsi of Blocktrade.

How the art world is embracing technology in the digital age: Opinion

From forays into the metaverse to blockchain-based sales and financing, the fine art world is now at the forefront of profound technological change.

Tokenization could bring mass adoption to crypto — or trigger disaster: Opinion

Tokenization is having a breakout year, but providers must learn from the past to prevent another FTX or Celsius-level crisis, writes Philipp Pieper of Swarm.

Web3 has a big security problem, and the industry is not doing enough to protect users: Opinion

If Web3 wants to be an alternative to traditional finance, the industry must make itself less vulnerable to hacks and security breaches, writes Richard Meissner.

July 2023

Proving our humanity in an AI world is not an option — it’s a necessity: Opinion

As artificial intelligence becomes more human-like, it’s critical to distinguish real people from code and prevent Web3 from turning into a bot zoo, writes Khori Whittaker, executive director of Ethereum Name Service.

Crypto isn’t fixing the remittance travesty — but it could: Opinion

Blockchain technology has the potential to slash transaction fees, speed up money transfers and lift up the world’s poor. Why aren’t we doing that yet?

Tokenization is driving new value, and Asia is leading the way: Opinion

Across Asia, projects dedicated to asset tokenization have become a cornerstone of the new digital economy, showing the world the technology’s possibilities.

How Web3 can accelerate climate finance and help save our warming planet: Opinion

$1 trillion in capital is needed to fight climate change, but investment money is sitting on the sidelines, going unused. How can we close this funding gap?

Why Asia will emerge as the global hub for Web3 gaming: Opinion

Already home to most of the world’s gamers, Asia has a rich pedigree in seeding and embracing new technologies, writes Robbie Ferguson of Immutable.

Can Web3 bring morality and social good to the metaverse?

The value of crypto is typically tied to its correlation with fiat money. What if tokens can be earned only through good deeds and helping others?

The future of finance is tokenized. Get on board or get left behind: Opinion

Change won’t happen overnight, but tokenization is a trend that will trigger seismic shifts in the financial landscape, writes Hamilton Keats of Krayon Digital.

Stablecoins can make banking safe again: Opinion

Stablecoins play a pivotal role as a safe-haven medium of exchange in times of high inflation, writes James Glasscock. But they’re not without risks.

How Asia is emerging as a safe haven for digital assets: Opinion

As the US is engulfed in regulatory strife, Asian countries are rolling out legal frameworks that attract crypto investment, protect consumers and encourage innovation.

How Web3 can help island nations fight climate change: Opinion

Global warming and rising sea levels are threatening to submerge countries like Maldives and Kiribati. Can blockchain technology help avert disaster?

Why culture and ownership are critical to the metaverse: Opinion

As stores of our identity, customs and creativity, NFTs will drive Web3 adoption and become central to the new digital economy, writes Yat Siu, executive chairman of Animoca Brands.

Improving crypto user experience is an imperative and need not come at the cost of security: Opinion

The key to making crypto easier to use while less prone to skulduggery lies in centralizing some security and UX features, writes Hsuan Lee of Blocto.

Despite the regulatory darkness in America, crypto’s dawn is nigh: Opinion

Crypto’s current turmoil in the US stands in stark contrast to other jurisdictions that are paving paths to for the industry to shine, writes Sean O’Connor.

Tokenization makes the world a better place, and Asia is paving the way: Opinion

Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and Thailand have regulations supporting the growth of tokenization, showing the world the benefits of fractionalizing assets.

Why a wash sale rule for crypto may be coming soon — and what this means for you: Opinion

For years, crypto and NFT investors enjoyed tax advantages that holders of stocks and bonds do not have, but legislation on the horizon could end that loophole.

How Web3 is disrupting gaming business models and player economics: Opinion

From pay-to-play arcade video games to sales of home consoles, gaming’s evolution into peer-to-peer marketplaces is posing a new challenge to the status quo, writes Jackson Poon.

Global shifts in crypto capital are underway. Here’s where the money is going

Digital assets funds have been flowing in waves all over the world since crypto’s inception, writes Amy Yu, CEO of SEBA Bank. Where is crypto capital going now?

June 2023

The bane of crypto today is quantity over quality: Opinion

The market now has 26,000 different cryptocurrencies and the total number of coins in circulation approaches infinity. How do those tokenomics make any sense?

Why Asia’s Web3 ecosystem needs collaborative venture building: Opinion

Collaborative venture building involves pooling resources, expertise and ideas — a strategy ideal for Web3 startups to succeed, writes Katherine Ng.

Crypto is sweeping South and SE Asia. Here’s why it matters to the rest of the world

Five countries in South and Southeast Asia now rank in the global top 10 for cryptocurrency adoption, embracing DeFi and defying government attempts to discourage crypto use. Is this a harbinger of larger trends to come?

How blockchain gaming can level up: Opinion

Despite its potential, Web3 gaming has had mixed reviews from gamers and developers, writes Freddie Ng. Here are the challenges and opportunities.

Why DeFi token airdrops are risky and how to make them more secure: Opinion

Having a crypto wallet is necessary to participate in a token airdrop, but wallets are also vulnerable to hacks and mishaps, writes Ravindra Kumar of Frontier.

Hong Kong is the crypto industry’s beacon amid the current storm: Opinion

The relationship between Hong Kong and crypto will likely only grow stronger over time, as it’s based on mutual respect as well as need, writes Lily King.

How Japan is illuminating the path of blockchain’s future: Opinion

In the Land of the Rising Sun, where the culture and ethos already align with the principles of blockchain games, the dawn of a new era of in gaming has arrived, writes Daiki Moriyama of Oasys.

How Dubai and Hong Kong are shifting crypto’s power dynamics: Opinion

As the US grapples with crypto regulation, Hong Kong and Dubai are emerging as leaders in the global digital economy, writes Ben Caselin of MaskEX.

Asia lays out a welcome mat for crypto, while US bars its door

As the US escalates its crackdowns on digital asset companies, it’s also losing its dominance in crypto — to Asia’s advantage, writes Henry Liu of BTSE.

How American courts have become central to crypto law

To date, none of the 30-plus crypto bills in Congress have become law, so judges are stepping up to fill the void. What does this mean for crypto in America?

The SEC has spoken: The future of finance is not in America

The SEC’s one-two punch of Coinbase and Binance couldn’t have come at a better time for Hong Kong and Singapore, as US crypto firms look to shift to friendlier shores, writes Hamilton Keats of Krayon Digital.

Bitcoin NFTs raise unique legal issues. Here’s what you need to know

Bitcoin Ordinals are also called NFTs, but intellectual property laws may not treat them the same as Ethereum- and Solana-minted NFTs, writes Cameron Pick.

The grand experiment in crypto compliance: What will the future look like?

From US crackdowns on Binance and Coinbase to new business-friendlier frameworks in Hong Kong and Europe, seismic shifts in crypto regulations are under way.

Why lack of diversification is cripping to the crypto market

Small cryptos often rise and fall with BTC and ETH — the market’s two biggest players. The concentration risk is profound, and here’s why you should care.

Ledger is proving the perils of sacrificing security on the altar of user experience

Ledger’s attempt to simplify self-custody and key recovery triggered a community revolt. Was this inevitable or could Ledger have sidestepped this fiasco?

Why G7’s proposed crypto regulations will be bad for DeFi

FATF’s travel rule is looming over the crypto industry as an existential threat, writes Jack Jia of Unlimit. Here’s why it’s especially worrying to DeFi and self-custody wallet users.

What’s holding back DeFi and keeping the masses away

DeFi has the potential to revolutionize finance, but hacks, poor user experience, and a lack of a regulations make many wary, writes Arthur Firstov of Mercuryo.

What if troubled companies like Twitter can be run by a DAO?

Decentralized autonomous organizations are the future of business, writes Lomesh Dutta. The key is designing them to avoid management and voting pitfalls.

May 2023

How NFT-financing can reshape the landscape of lending and borrowing

NFT-backed lending and borrowing can unlock liquidity and expand investment opportunities. Here are the best practices — and risks.

Why are so many VCs and startups flocking back to banks?

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and others led to predictions of big shifts away from centralized finance. James Wo examines why that hasn’t happened yet.

Why GameFi is the future of the new player economy

Opinions about Web3 gaming remain divided, but it’s undeniable that NFTs and GameFi offer players big opportunities, writes Ramona Ciocea of Protokol.

Crypto’s aversion to anti-money laundering standards is only hurting itself

For crypto to grow for the long term, the industry must show greater respect for global standards that combat crime, writes Slava Demchuk of AMLBot.

How many of today’s AI darlings will end up in the dot-com and crypto sewage?

For every PayPal or Google, countless other startups from the bubble days of yore took investor money down the toilet, writes Naveen Agnihotri. What makes this AI boom any different?

Are deposit tokens the new stablecoins — or a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

Stablecoins are a key part of the crypto ecosystem, but banks like JPMorgan are now exploring deposit tokens as an alternative. Which is better, and why?

How blockchain can shift electric car use into the fast lane

Electric vehicles remain rare in developing countries because of high costs and ‘range anxiety,’ writes George Cox of eTukTuk. Here’s how blockchain technology can remove those barriers.

Web3 needs to engage with local communities. Its future depends on it

Web3’s terrible user experience, scams and lack of diversity could be solved if its leaders take a cue from environmentalists and ‘act locally,’ writes Tim Williamson of NieuxCo.

How DeFi can keep out bad apples while upholding crypto’s core ideals

Crypto users need not fear the increasing KYC/AML requirements around the world and loss of privacy, writes Kurt Hemecker of the Mina Foundation. Here’s why.

Tokenization is changing the world, from finance to art

Fractionalizing assets on the blockchain opens up investment opportunities for the public and the capital market’s access to liquidity, writes Bob Ras. Here’s what’s holding it back.

How ChatGPT is propelling memecoins to a new stratosphere

Thanks to generative AI, a struggling artist with no coding skills created tokens now worth $70 million. What does this mean for the rest of the crypto world?

How blockchain gaming can break out of its niche and win over more people

It’s currently fashionable to publicly knock blockchain gaming, but behind closed doors, a growing number of developers are realizing its potential, writes Tim Dierckxsens of Venly.

Why DAOs and collective collaboration are key for Web3 to realize its potential

Free of the hierarchies and power dynamics in traditional companies, DAOs can allow Web3 organizations to do better, writes Arjun Kalsy of Mantle.

The metaverse is here. When will the party begin?

The metaverse is still a clunky world that makes users feel like they’re in a cartoon, writes Darin Myman of DatChat. How can we make it more inviting and useful?

How standardized smart financial contracts could prevent crypto’s next black swan

Many tokenized platforms have grave shortcomings, but if better standards could be adopted, the improved transparency can avert future crises, writes Ralf Kubli of the Casper Assn.

Bitcoin inscriptions: Are Ordinals a boon or a drag on the network?

Now that the Bitcoin Ordinals genie is out of the bottle, a debate is raging about whether they’re good for the original blockchain and their long-term consequences.

Securities or not, crypto in the US needs new regulations and clearer guidance

CFTC and SEC disagree over whether cryptocurrencies are securities, and two big lawsuits clouding the industry’s future invoke laws that long predate the digital era.

Why layer 3 is critical to innovation and blockchain’s future

How would layer 3 improve upon what layer-2 protocols do, and what barriers does this emerging technology still need to overcome? Tony Cheng of Foresight Ventures explains.

April 2023

What the US stands to lose if it keeps heaping scorn on crypto

The current US approach to regulating crypto flies against its history of supporting tech innovation and undermines its own national interest, writes Hamilton Keats of Krayon Digital.

Declaring proof of reserves is important, but it’s not enough

‘Proof of reserve’ is the new catchphrase and promise by crypto leaders eager to allay investor fears. But loopholes remain and audits might not mean what you think, writes Anndy Lian.

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