
Oct 31, 2021
London’s NFT Art Scene Thrives Even As Prestigious Frieze Fair Sits Out
Frieze Art Fair, one of London’s oldest and most prestigious art events, stumbled into the post-pandemic, post-Brexit world for its 2021 edition earlier this month. Crammed in between two other major art fairs, Art Basel and Fiac Paris (all three were canceled last year due to the pandemic) from October 13-17, Frieze London was low on crowds compared to years past. Still, there was a palpable sense of optimism that in-person events would lure buyers with the promise of shiny in-season objets d’a…
by Dorian Batycka · 8 min read
May 27, 2021
Brave Browser Review (2021): Earn Tokens While Browsing
What is Brave Browser? Design and UX Getting started with Brave browser How easy is Brave browser to use? Speed test Features, security, and privacy Brave browser wallet How to earn crypto Brave mobile Brave Today IPFS support Unstoppable Domains Verdict Do you remember the dark days of Internet Explorer? We do. In the face of its slow, buggy, and downright unpleasant interface, the arrival of alternative browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome was an absolute godsend. Now there’s a (relati…
by Esat Dedezade · 18 min read
Apr 15, 2021
We Went to the ‘World’s First NFT Art Gallery’—It Was Just Like a Normal Gallery
For the past few months, artists, collectors, and begrudging crypto journalists alike have been confronting the phenomenon of NFTs, or non-fungible tokens. These are unique digital assets parked on the blockchain: tokens that can be attached to any file (usually images and looped animations, like JPEGs and GIFs) and sold as proof of ownership. The appeal is in the blockchain’s veneer of permanence—the sense that these transactions are publicly recorded—as well as artificial scarcity, which leve…
by Will Gottsegen · 6 min read
Feb 26, 2021
10 Of The Best Bitcoin Podcasts (2021)
While Bitcoin has shaken up the world of finance over the last decade, there’s been a parallel revolution in the media: the rise of podcasts. According to Apple Podcasts, there are now over one million shows available, and 30 million podcast episodes; March 2020 saw more than 63,000 new shows released compared with just over 25,000 additions in September 2019. It’s perhaps inevitable, then, that one of the major sources of news and information in the cryptocurrency space is crypto podcasts—and t…
by Najib Aminy, Daniel Phillips, Stephen Graves · 7 min read