Morgan Stanley Becomes The First Big Bank to Offers It’s Clients Bitcoin

By Crypto News Bot March 22, 2021 In Crypto News

As reported by CNBC, Morgan Stanley will be the first major U.S. bank to offer its clients access to bitcoin funds. With the maximum allowed being 2.5% of the clients total net worth.

As explained by CNBC, they are looking to demographically gain exposure into a new generation of younger investors who care a lot more about cryptocurrencies. As clients gain interest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, if their current providers don’t offer them the services to invest, they will look elsewhere.

The move by Morgan Stanley might be the first by a big bank, but CNBC suggested that if it works, everyone else will surely follow suit.

This news also is linked to recent news that Morgan Stanley is rumoured to buy Korean Exchange Bithumb for $2 Billion.



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