Hodlonaut Receives $1 Million in BTC to Defend Faketoshi Lawsuit

By Dale Warburton August 24, 2022 In Bitcoin, Crypto News

The self-proclaimed inventor of Bitcoin, commonly known as “Faketoshi” among Bitcoiners, is back at it again. This time, Craig Wright is suing a pseudonomyous Bitcoin website editor for defamation.

‘We Are All Hodlonaut’

True to form, the Bitcoin community has rallied in support of “Hodlonaut”, raising over US$1 million (52 BTC) to support what is expected to be a costly lawsuit.

With the trial set to commence on September 12 in Oslo, Hodlonaut reached out to the community for support, highlighting that in addition to defending the defamation claims he would also be seeking an order preventing Wright from additional claims in the future:

Hodlonaut call to arms. Source: Twitter

The Bitcoin community heard the call to action and wave of support followed, with one particularly deep-pocketed Bitcoiner donating 47 BTC:


Aside from financial contributions, the community offered its support with the hashtag #WeAreAllHodlonaut. Michael “Gigachad” Saylor, the unofficial corporate king of Bitcoin, tweeted the hashtag on the same day as the massive 47 bitcoin donation was received. Coincidence?

Defending Bitcoin

It’s difficult to remember a time when Craig Wright wasn’t embroiled in some or other legal proceedings. Most recently, he won a case against a popular British podcaster for defamation, however ended up with the paltry sum of £1 for deliberating manufacturing evidence.

Wright has routinely threatened media personalities and Bitcoin Core developers with lawsuits, which has ultimately led to the creation of a fundraising page called defendingbtc. Thus far, over 50 bitcoin has been donated and, given the community’s support behind Hodlonaut, that figure is likely to only go up.

Despite having numerous opportunities to conclusively prove that he is Satoshi, Wright has failed in each case. Is Hodlonaut the person to once and for all and finally put to rest Wright’s persistent baseless claims? Time will tell.

Dale Warburton

Dale Warburton

Dale is a former attorney turned passionate Bitcoiner with an interest in investments, macro, geopolitics, innovation, tech, nature, wildlife, MMA and Bitcoin (of course).

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