Crypto News Australia Facebook Page Banned

By Sam Deering February 22, 2021 In Crypto News, Facebook

As you may know already, Facebook made a decision on 18 February, 2021 to ban Australian news sites from publishing on Facebook effective immediately. Crypto News was no exception.

Update 26/02/2021: Our Facebook page is now back online.

The crypto news Facebook page may stilll be visible to you, but our publishing functions are disabled, and they have removed our cover image.

Facebook page missing Posts link and cover image

Why was it banned?

As quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald: “to even the playing field amid the market monopoly of Google and Facebook and to protect public interest journalism”. “Media companies say their content helps Google and Facebook make money by offering the reliable, fact-checked information users are looking for. The tech giants say the internet should stay free and that publishers benefit from the click-throughs from their sites. And, with the rest of the world watching Australia’s code closely, both companies fear it could trigger copycat regulation forcing them to pay for news all around the globe.”


What does this mean for you?

Not much really. Just follow us on our Twitter page or Telegram channel to get the latest crypto news stories. Hopefully Twitter doesn’t apply this ban too – that would be mayhem. This highlights the control that these huge centralised companies have on our society and may lead to decentralised social platforms becoming more popular over the coming years.

Sam Deering

Sam Deering

Sam Deering is a cryptocurrency enthusiast with background in computer programming. He loves to learn, share and write about anything crypto news.

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