NGS Crypto – Monthly News Recap November 2020

By Crypto News Bot December 01, 2020 In NGS Crypto

This is our monthly Partners news recap for NGS Crypto to keep you updated on what’s been happening with them this month and what they have upcoming.

EOM Update – November 2020

November was yet another successful month for NGS Crypto and all of our valued members.

With Bitcoin (BTC) being at an all time high, our clients are sitting in a great position with their Digital Asset Mining investments.

NGS Members have taken full advantage of the high prices, with majority of them securing their profits made, and safeguarding those into a new NGS Crypto Initial Mining Agreement (IMA).


This compounding strategy allows NGS members to capitilise on these higher returns without the risk of losing profits already made.

NGS Crypto members, depending on their investment amount, earn 10% – 15% ROI p.a, with returns being paid out daily in BTC.

With the New Year fast approaching, now is a great time to discuss our services available to you and secure an investment package with NGS Crypto.

Future of Money

We are very proud to announce that on the 1stDecember, 2020, Charles Frassetto, one of our very experienced and valued NGS team members and Michael Fitzgerald, NGS tech support, will be hosting a live, free online event.

The event will cover the NGS Crypto service, who we are, what we do and the benefits of securing an investment package with NGS Crypto.

The event will also include valued NGS Crypto members, who will share with us their experiences of being a member with Australia’s leading Digital Asset Mining service, and how they utilise their investment.

If you would like to join, follow the link below;

Tuesday, 1st December 2020
6pm – 7pm AEST

Stay up to date with NGS Crypto

Australia’s leading Digital Asset Mining specialists, providing a safe, stable and reliable investment vehicle. Hundreds of everyday Australians are taking advantage of the NGS Crypto service, entering into the digital asset mining space and making returns between 10% – 15% ROI p/a.

Instagram: @ngscrypto_mining


Crypto News Bot

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