Twitter Mistakenly Suspended Accounts Related to Popular Crypto Influencers

By Ibiam Wayas March 11, 2021 In Bitcoin, Crypto News, Regulation

During the early hours of Wednesday, the popular social media platform Twitter suspended several accounts owned by top influencers in the digital currency space. The development sparked lots of concerns amongst the crypto users on the platform owing to the fact that Twitter is considered a crypto-friendly social platform. Moreover, the chief executive officer, Jack Dorsey, is one of the biggest supporters of cryptocurrency.

Following a response from Twitter, however, it appears the accounts were suspended by mistake?

Major Cryptocurrency Account Suspended

Twitter users noticed that seven accounts, at least, belonging to popular cryptocurrency analysts and traders were suspended on Wednesday. Some of the accounts suspended include @woonomic, @100trillionUSD, @mmcrypto, @wsbchairman, @themooncarl, @TheCryptoDog, and @KoroushAK. At the time, the message on these profiles read that “Twitter suspends accounts which violate the Twitter Rules.” 

After several complaints were raised by crypto users on the platform, some of the suspended accounts were restored, including that of Willy Woo (@woonomic), a prominent Bitcoin and cryptocurrency analyst, and PlanB (@100trillionUSD), who invented the Bitcoin Stock-to-Flow (S2F), model. Other accounts like @KoroushAK and @wsbchairman are yet to be fully restored during the time of writing.


Twitter Mistakenly Flagged Crypto Accounts as Spam

While addressing the situation in a letter to Willy Woo, Twitter noted that the accounts weren’t suspended deliberately. 

“We have systems that find and remove multiple automated spam accounts in bulk, and yours was flagged as spam by mistake. Please note that it may take an hour or so for your follower and following numbers to return to normal,” the message reads. 

Meanwhile, this is not the first time crypto accounts and contents are being suspended or censored by a centralized platform. Over the past months, several crypto channels were suspended on YouTube, and even our account was suspended on Facebook.

Ibiam Wayas

Ibiam Wayas

Ibiam is an optimistic crypto journalist. He loves to associate with like-minded individuals and collaborate with them on similar projects. He spends much of his time honing his writing and critical thinking skills.

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