‘Smol Brains’ NFTs Worth $1.4 Million Stolen and Then Returned?

TreasureDAO, an NFT trading market built on Arbitrum, has confirmed an exploit in which hackers purchased NFTs listed on the market at zero fees.
Soon after, TreasureDAO advised users to “delist everything” through messages posted on its Discord server, then later informed the community it had identified the issue.
Smol Brains are the most popular NFTs traded on Arbitrum, and 17 were stolen. Based on their listed prices on the TreasureDAO platform, their dollar value was around US$1.4 million.
Many More NFTs Stolen in the Same Exploit, Though Some Were Returned
However, according to analysis by blockchain security and data firm PeckShield, more than 100 NFTs from several collections were stolen from the marketplace.
In a surprise twist, the hackers started to return stolen Smol Brains and other NFTs just hours after the exploit:
The incident echoed the recent experience of NFT marketplace Mintable, which was able to recover three NFTs stolen in a phishing attack on the OpenSea platform last month.