IT Student Busted Buying Meth Parcel Off the Dark Web With Bitcoin

The Dark Web is a place where you can purchase drugs and have them delivered to your parents’ house, because it’s where you still live. And you can use Bitcoin to pay for them … unless, of course, you get caught.

Bag containing crystal meth, similar to that seized by Rockhampton Police

Joshua Ashton appeared in Rockhampton Magistrates Court this week after being charged with possession of methamphetamine. Ashton was alleged to have ordered the drug online in March 2021 and paid for it with A$300 worth of Bitcoin. He pleaded guilty to one charge of possessing a dangerous drug after Australia Post had intercepted a parcel bound for his parents’ address.

Parcel Intercepted After Police Tipoff by Australia Post

Ashton, a first-year IT student at Central Queensland University, claimed to have purchased the drug for his personal use. On March 25, his express post shipment containing 1.5 grams of methamphetamine was seized by police after the Australia Post tipoff.

Magistrate Jason Schubert recorded a conviction and fined Ashton $600, effectively tripling his investment.


Caitlin Carey

Caitlin Carey

Caitlin is a crypto evangelist with a deep curiosity and passion for learning and writing about everything to do with cryptocurrency. She has a background as a performing artist and songwriter and is a digital media enthusiast, with a bachelor degree in Multimedia.

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