Interoperable Chain Polkadot (DOT) Says Roadmap in Place To Support 1,000 Parachains

By The Daily Hodl September 25, 2023 In Polkadot

Developers of the interoperability blockchain Polkadot (DOT) will test a new process that aims to significantly improve the scalability of the network and expand the number of supported parallel chains.

Speaking at the Polkadot Developer Conference, Sophia Gold, engineering lead at Polkadot contributor Parity Technologies, says asynchronous backing will allow the blockchain to increase the number of validators to around 1,000 by the end of this year.

Currently, Polkadot can support up to 100 parachains or application-specific chains connected to the Polkadot network. With asynchronous backing, Gold says the stage is being set for Polkadot to support as many as 1,000 parachains.


“What’s unique about backing in Polkadot is that it’s enshrined – it’s implemented natively on the protocol level and not on the smart contract level, which gives us capital efficiency and censorship resistance. Asynchronous backing enables flexible scheduling for our future scaling work through elastic scaling and instantaneous coretime.

We have a credible roadmap to get Polkadot to support 1,000 parachains and 1m+ transactions per second. The design is there – we know how to scale Polkadot for the indefinite future.”

According to Gold, asynchronous backing is “the most significant evolution of parachain consensus” since parachains were launched about two years ago.

Asynchronous backing is expected to be deployed to the network’s Rococo testnet in a couple of weeks.

Featured Image: Shutterstock/Guliveris

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The Daily Hodl

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