Edward Snowden Sells NFT For $5.4 Million To Raise Funds For Freedom Of Press Foundation

In an effort to raise funds for the foundation’s activity, Edward Snowden sold an NFT representing “the entirety of a landmark court decision ruling the National Security Agency’s mass surveillance violated the law, with the iconic portrait of the whistleblower by Platon”. Snowden’s face is superimposed over it and his signature can also be seen in the bottom right corner.
The NFT was sold to someone who goes by @pleasrdao, who purchased it for a total of 2,224.00 ETH. According to Edward Snowden, this sum exceeds the FPF’s annual budget by a sizable amount — and has exceeded it a few bids prior to it being finally sold.
At the moment, this is the only NFT endorsed by Snowden and it is not known if any more will be released in the future.
A Brief History Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden is known worldwide for spilling the beans on the NSA’s snooping — on American citizens, as well as on people of interest worldwide — and consequently being forced to flee to Russia after being accused of violating the US 1917 Espionage Act.
A man who has been called both a hero and a traitor, Snowden stands true to his beliefs to this day, stating that “if this is treason, what they call loyalty is a crime.”
He then fled to Russia — where he was granted permanent residency in 2020 — and since 2017, he has been the president of the Freedom of Press Foundation (FPF), a non-profit organization based in San Francisco that fights for free speech.