Bitcoin Transaction Fees Hovering Between $10-$20 AUD

By Crypto News Bot January 25, 2021 In Bitcoin

Transaction fees for sending Bitcoin are growing higher and higher since the beginning of 2020, when it was a low as $1 to send BTC. Currently, it will cost you between $10-20 AUD to send BTC as shown by ycharts.

As you can see from the chart above, the fees are increasing. If you’re only sending small amounts of Bitcoin, these fees makes it expensive.

DateTransaction Fee USD
January 23, 202111.57
January 22, 202112.92
January 21, 202110.71
January 20, 202110.76
January 19, 20219.995
January 18, 20218.556
January 17, 202110.25
January 16, 202115.61
January 15, 202116.43

We’ve previously compared BTC to other cryptocurrencies fees and the results suggest Litecoin (LTC) would be more suitable for transacting value, leaving Bitcoin for a perceived store of value.


Crypto News Bot

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