Congruent Labs Makes Cybersecurity Affordable For All With Chainlink Oracles
From its offices in Canberra, Congruent Labs has been working on a cybersecurity solution that will allow small businesses to ensure their data is kept safe.
Affordable and Easy To Use
According to Timothy Quinn – co-founder and managing director of Congruent Labs – the idea for the project came about when his team noticed the prohibitively high costs of cybersecurity solutions.
We’re building the future of cybersecurity, identity and privacy, all bundled into one. Back in 2017, our team was tired of seeing the high costs and complexities in the cybersecurity industry, which made it almost impossible for any person or business to easily secure themselves. We wanted to make online security affordable and accessible – so we did.
Timothy Quinn, MD, Congruent
Chainlink oracles help off-chain data to find its way onto the blockchain, where it can benefit from the top-level security offered by Chainlink labs – security used by many highly respected DeFi projects such as AAVE.
In Congruent’s case, the Chainlink integration will be used to check large payments, and to check whether the receiver of information about to be transferred has the right level of clearance.
This cutting-edge technology in the world of security will ensure we can provide a zero-trust payment, authentication, and authorisation so online platforms can reduce the cost of compliance and payments management. These systems will operate using common standards through a series of smart contracts and public off-chain systems.
Timothy Quinn
Congruent will integrate Chainlink oracles with their token, $SATA (Signata), which aims to protect your information from companies with invasive methods of collecting your personal information.
Congruent also plans to create further $SATA-related projects, such as Signata MFA and Signata Crypto – among other cybersecurity projects not necessarily related to blockchain.