Australian Government Will Certify Aussie Quality Via Blockchain

Consumer protection laws have come a long way since their introduction, ensuring clients get exactly what they paid for. Local farmers across Australia have proven the superiority of their products – and some have tried to cash in on their success without putting in the same amount of work. Once again, the solution comes from blending new technology with time-tested methods.
The quality of Australian livestock is recognized worldwide – and as with many other industries, the Australian government has invested into further equipping the industry with blockchain technology.
Blockchain provides an easily verifiable certificate of authenticity to any financial transaction, so it makes sense to apply this technology when it comes to agriculture – after all, you are what you eat.
In a statement, David Littleproud, Minister of Agriculture has extolled the virtues of blockchain and its future in Aussie industry and agriculture.
“Open, transparent and trustworthy systems are important for long term sustainability and global competitiveness.
“Building on standards already used in transport and logistics, warehousing, distribution, retailing and eCommerce ensures Australian producers and processors can participate efficiently and effectively in global markets.”
Ensuring Adoption At A Grassroots Level
The initial phase of the project will raise awareness among dairy farmers with a short video and an informative paper. Once the benefits of adoption are well known to producers across Australia, the road to a dairy industry supported by cutting edge technology will have been prepared.
In the case of dairy farms, blockchain technology will assist farmers in storing all information that pertains to orders, quality control and pricing. Taking all of these into account, dairy farms can now sign smart contracts with buyers, elevating trust and removing any possible bad actors from the supply chain.
From a quaint farmhouse surrounded by nature to the fresh milk in your morning coffee, world-renowned quality accompanied by world-class innovation will be felt with every sunrise whose beauty you drink in.